Geotextile (Polyfelt)

Non woven geotextile


- Non-woven geotextiles help to save construction costs. It is used as a separator between two layers of material with different properties, avoiding loss of material, allowing to reduce the volume of soil. 
- Using of the separator ensures that the mechanical properties of the land layers are kept safe, the working load will be accommodated and the loading distribution in the ground is better. 


Non-woven geotextile layer acts as a filter placed between two layers, which have different flow rate and pore size. This avoids erosion from fine-grained material into the raw material. This situation could happen in these conditions:
- Flow rate in holes is higher than surrounding areas. 
- Fill up rate is slower than project life time.
- Settle down condition is within limited time.


- In Vietnam, the weak soil has relatively high humidity and relatively high sensitivity. Therefore nonwoven geotextile can make the water drain quickly to increase the strength of the soil resistance, thus to increase the stability of the overall structure over time.
- Needling nonwoven geotextile helps to filter water according to horizontal and vertical direction. Therefore, it can make the water drain quickly in empty holes, and decrease water pressure in construction.
-  Nonwoven geotextiles’ pore size needs to enough small for soil not to pass by and enough large for water to drain.


- In addition to tensile strength and high CBR puncture resistance …non-woven geotextiles also have environmental durability (salt water resistance). Therefore, it can combine with other materials such as stone carpets, gabions, stones,… to make a buffer layer against erosion for dykes, dams, seacoast, piers …


- Non-woven geotextile makes it easier to apply the first layer such as reducing the thickness, ensuring easy circulation of the vehicle. It does not increase the durability of the soil, but non-woven geotextiles resist the local destroy, which can easily happen in weak land.

DML - Woven Geotextile

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